Wait… Is My Goal Just Not God’s Will?

If you’ve been believing that you can achieve something by God’s power and you’ve been taking steps, so many steps, to achieve it, but nothing is happening, does that mean that it’s not God’s will? Possibly, but here’s what it might...

Believing you can’t = Believing God can’t

Believing you cannot do something is the same as believing God cannot do it. Hear me out. The world wants to tell us that everything we do, we do by our power and stick-with-it-ness and badassery. And if you’re a Bible-believing Christian, you want to avoid that...

Want More Success? You Need More Wanting!

If you want more success, then what you need is more wanting. Bear with me. A lot of us with adult ADHD have trained ourselves to want less and less because it is so painfully disappointing to not achieve success after we decided we wanted something. But the problem...

Anxious Around Other People?

Your brain thinks it is protecting you by offering you super negative thoughts about yourself in public. It thinks that if you can anticipate all of the stupid things you might do around other people and then not do them, you will be safe and loved and accepted, which...